Frequently Asked Questions

We've gathered a list of our most frequently asked questions.

If you didn't find your question or the answer on this page, then please get in touch. We're happy to answer any questions you may have about your experience with us or your stay in the UK.

General Tour Questions

What is a ‘Signature Tour'?

Why can't I see a full itinerary for your tours?

I don't like crowds, will I be stuck in long queues all day?

Do we do day trips from London?

What does ‘Best & Breadth’ mean?

Do you run inner-circle tours of Stonehenge?

How do you manage groups with different abilities?

Dining Tour Questions

I have specific dietary requirements, will these be catered for?

What if I want something not on the set menu?

Is a dining tour suited for my children?

What food and drink will be included on the tour?

Will these tours be centred around alcohol?

I don’t drink alcohol, will there be other options available?

Do you accept Christmas work parties?

Transfer Tour Questions

Transfer tour pickup radius?

Why don't we pick people up from central London?

Company Questions

What are your guides like?

How can you make our birthday/wedding/special celebration an extraordinary experience?

What's your attitude towards sustainability and inclusion?

Travelling in The UK

How safe will I be travelling to Great Britain?

How easy and accessible is healthcare in the UK?

Travel Trade Questions

Do you offer co-branded brochures?

Do you have images we can download?

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